An Expert Guide for Framing your Picture

Start with the Art itself


The article which has to be framed has to be considered first. What is it? An autographed photo, a sport jersey, an autographed photo or an artist’s e edition work. Not every piece of art will have the same set of tips before going for framing.


• Bold shaped frames can be used for modern art and photography.

• Floater frames will be good for dramatic pictures.


• Carved wood frames will look amazing on traditional canvas paintings and artwork.

• Just remember that color can change the whole mood of the picture and can bring a drastic change in the presentation of the picture.



Where to Display it


The place where the artwork is going to be displayed also forms the basis for selecting a frame. Is it going to be hanged in your bedroom or is it going to be displayed in an art gallery? The place- residential, commercial or gallery will give a hint on which frame to be choosen. Frames for galleries have to be classic while those for home can be one which suits your style and personality.



There is a lot more than Style

Before thinking about the style, factors like budget, assembling, material should be duly considered. You yourself can better judge on these factors and come up with a solution. Better go for a frame which is both stylish and easy on your pocket. You have to go for a frame which is adding and spicing up the look of your picture, but at the same time fits in your budget.